Virtual and in person consultations. Offices in Charlotte and Huntersville NC. North Carolina and Delaware statewide virtual visits.

Douglas Miller, M.D.

Dr. Miller is a board-certified physician with training in Internal Medicine, Emergency Medicine and Advanced Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy.

benefits of trt featured image

6 Benefits of [TRT] Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy? Testosterone is often synonymous with masculinity. It could be said that the hormone is what makes men, “men”. The hormone is responsible for a myriad of physiological and metabolic processes, as well as giving males their characteristic facial and body hair, larger muscles and deep voices. Testosterone plays a key […]

6 Benefits of [TRT] Testosterone Replacement Therapy Read More »

8 Common Symptoms of Low Testosterone in Males Featured Image

8 Common Symptoms of Low Testosterone in Males

Symptoms of Low T in Men Testosterone is the predominantly male hormone produced largely by the testes, affecting everything from male features and appearance to sexual drive and even energy, metabolism and mood. Although testosterone production in young males is usually well within medical ranges provided no underlying conditions or injuries exist, as we age

8 Common Symptoms of Low Testosterone in Males Read More »

Doc its been so long since I’ve exercised, how do I get back into shape?

Its a question I hear on a regular basis.  So let me outline the basic steps I usually recommend: 1)  Have a qualified trainer perform a functional movement screening.  This identifies weaknesses and maladaptive movement patterns that have developed.  2)  Work with your trainer through corrective exercise to retrain you to “move like a human.”

Doc its been so long since I’ve exercised, how do I get back into shape? Read More »

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